• A thirty week course with two externally marked exams
  • Study a range of 20th and 21st century non-fiction texts (including literary non-fiction)
  • Develop skills to analyse, evaluate and compare non-fiction extracts
  • Develop transactional writing skills for a variety of forms, purposes and audiences
  • Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately
  • Critical reading and comprehension of 19th century literature
  • Identify and interpret themes, ideas and information in a range of literature and other high quality writing and 19th century fiction
  • Acquire and apply a wide vocabulary alongside knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken  language
  • Listen to and understand spoken language, and use spoken language effectively


  • A thirty week course with three externally marked exams in the summer. There will be one non-calculator paper and two calculator papers

  • Course content
  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Geometry and Measures
  • Statistics and probability
  • Ratio, proportion and rates of change.